Nerdio for WVD: Window Virtual Desktop made easy
As described in a previous blog, Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop was released at the end of September in 2019. Finally a real solution that besides hosting traditional Remote Desktop Session Hosts on Azure, also supports Windows desktops on its platform. Although creating desktops and host pools are pretty straightforward in the Azure portal, managing the complete Windows Virtual Desktop (WVD) environment from the Azure Portal and its Azure PowerShell commands is not that user friendly. That’s where Nerdio kicks in.
They provide Nerdio for WVD which is a cloud native solution built on top of Azure and WVD and used for managing WVD deployments and available from the Azure Marketplace. It’s available in different flavours: the full paid verison and the community edition, which is limited for 25 user sessions and not for production environments. The community editions is great for consultants that can profit of and play with the full functionality of Nerdio and want to manage their Azure subcscription to save on their monthly Azure credits
Nerdio are also current when it comes to new technologies that Microsoft develops for WVD. On a regularly bases Nerdio for WVD gets updates almost at the same pace as new features become available within WVD.
So, why Nerdio for WVD? Nerdio for WVD makes it easy to build and manage WVD and RemoteApp images. The WebGUI is very responsive and intuitive. Auto-scaling, auto-healing and auto-provisioing can save lots of administrator time and money using WVD.
For me it’s clear: managing WVD without Nerdio for WVD is a no-go: WVD just needs Nerdio Manager for WVD.
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